making coffee - a post in process

This is not some generic post about the theory or philosophy of making a cup of coffee, but a specific point-by-point set of instructions on how to make a cup of coffee (ie. espresso) with frothed milk (a la cappucino, latte or flat white) for one or two people. The equipment in use is a Diadema (Junior Plus) La Valentina levetta heat exchanger coffee machine, and the grinder is a Macap M4 doserless grinder.

  1. Ensure there is sufficient water in the reservoir. To do this remove the stainless steel lid on top of the machine, open the filling hole and take a look. The reservoir can hold 3 litres of water. You can fill either by removing the reservoir, or using a pitcher.
  2. Plug the coffee machine and grinders in. Turn the coffee machine on using the switch at the top-centre of the machine.
  3. If you’re making coffee for two then place the portafilter with the split spout in the grouo head. It engages with the handle pointing to around 8pm and turns anti-clockwise until the handle is pointing to around 6pm.
  4. Pour sufficient milk into a frothing pitcher. The smallest pitcher is sufficient for one cup around 200ml capacity), and the medium pitcher is suitable for two 200ml cups. In the case of the small pitcher, fill with milk to around half a centimetre below where the spout begins; for the medium pitcher you’d want around half a centimetre above where the spout begins. In rough terms this is half-filling the pitcher. Place the pitcher(s) in the fridge.
  5. Ideally wait at least 30 minutes before proceeding to allow the machine components (internal piping that the coffee flows through) to come up to temperature.
  6. When you’re ready to make coffee, measure out the required quantity of beans into the correct filter basket. For a single shot I use 11.5 grams into the single filter basket (this one has the sides that slope in at around 45 degrees). For the double basket (if you need a double-shot or are making two cups) then measure 15.5 grams of coffee into the double basket (sides are closer to perpendicular).
  7. REmove the hopper from the grinder. This hopper is purely decorative, and the finger indents serve as dust collectors.
  8. Pour the beans into the top of the grinder. Place the fliter basket in the opening. This stops bits of bean from being flung aroung the kichen!
  9. Ensure the plastic Winnie the Pooh cup is attached to the grinder spout using the spring clip.
  10. Turn the grinder on. Beans would take somewhere in the order of twenty seconds to grind.
  11. When the beans have been ground, and with the grinder still running, use the paintbrush to brush loose grinds into the neck of the grinder. You can gently push the brush into the grinder to dislodge recalcitrant grinds.

To be continued…