Bible Reading Plans

Bible reading plan 2024 redux

Back in mid-January I wrote about my intentions for Bible reading in 2024.

The basic plan was to read three chapters of the Old Testament a day and one chapter from the New Testament. At that pace I would finish the OT in mid-October and the New Testament in latish September. Furthermore, the plan was to read the Bible in a different order to how it appears in modern western Bibles. Lastly, I was going to read from the Revised Standard Version.

Bible reading plan 2024

Most years I try something different with regard to my Bible reading plans and/or devotional reading. Late last year I came across a website that suggested reading the Old Testament in the order as it exists in the Hebrew Bible. The site provides reasons why this approach makes sense.

In essence the Hebrew Bible divides Scripture into three components: Law/Torah, Prophets, Writings.

Torah Prophets Writings
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
Genesis Judges Psalms
Exodus 1 Samuel Job
Leviticus 2 Samuel Proverbs
Numbers 1 Kings Ruth
Deuteronomy 2 Kings Song of Solomon
Joshua Isaiah Ecclesiastes
Jeremiah Lamentations
Ezekiel Esther
Hosea Daniel
Joel Ezra
Amos Nehemiah
Obadiah 1 Chronicles
Jonah 2 Chronicles

The above books contain 929 chapters. I’m currently reading at a pace of three chapters a day so this should take around 10 months to complete. I did start a week into the New Year, and there may be days I read less or nothing.