
goodbye nab

My wife and I have been customers of the nab for the past 27 years. But no longer. Over the past couple of weeks we have opened a new account with a bank that is not one of the ‘big four’.

There were a number of direct debit arrangements to change; screenshots of the details of commonly-used payees to grab, and ensuring we had csv downloads of our recent transactions.

Free Accounting Software

A quick plug for a piece of software I’ve been using for the last couple of months to record our church’s finances. The package is Manager. It handles GST calculations and reports, seems OK for small, manual payrolls, is free, works on multiple platforms and seems to conform to standard accounting principles. It also has a very active forum and many guides have been written for common tasks.

Overall it will fit the bill for monitoring our church finances and produces a range of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet reports. There is a cloud-based, multi-user system available, but since I’m the only person who needs the software, the single-user free version works for me.

Personal Finance programs

As I’ve mentioned previously, we got our first “personal computer” back in 1995. It came with an array of pretty amazing software (or so I thought at the time) including Encarta, MS Money and MS Works.

Being fairly keen to put these software workhorses to the plough, I loaded up MS Money and proceeded to track our personal finances using it. The excitement grew thin after a while so MS Money was shelved.