
Fully Slack

After last week writing about my trying Slackware for the first time and how it may become my daily driver if/when my Arch installation breaks, I can report that Arch broke and I now have Slackware 15 installed on my primary notebook.

I’m not sure what the problem with my Arch installation was. I’d had some difficulties with our router and had made some adjustmants to DHCP and DNS on the router and Arch install, and so my internet would disconnect after about 10 minutes of uptime. I would invoke my VPN and internet connectivity would be OK again (both with and without the VPN tunnel).

Becoming a Slacker

For the past fortnight I’ve been using Slackware 15 on a secondary notebook.

Slackware is the oldest Linux distribution still in active development–having been released in July 1993 by Patrick Volkerding. Patrick is still in charge of the project and has the title of ‘Benevolent Dictator for Life’1

I’d obviously heard of Slackware over the years as I’ve tried alternative distros such as Fedora, Arch, Debian (and its children, Ubuntu and Mint), Void and openSUSE, but I had never tried Slackware until a fortnight ago so thought it was well overdue.