
musings from the everyday, somedays

Day 5 - Childers and Gladstone

Day 5 saw us driving from the Sunshine Coast to Gladstone. It was overcast most of the day with frequent rain.

We stopped for a morning coffee in Childers (opposite the site of the infamous Backpackers Hostel fire of 2000 when 15 people were killed).

After our arrival in Gladstone we stopped near Matthew Flinders bridge (a ‘bascule’ bridge) in Port Park and took some photos in the light drizzle.

Childers Palace Hotel

Gladstone - Port Park


For ever and a day (well, for the best part of a few decades) my go-to breakfast has been Weet-Bix. In winter I’ll have the occasional porridge, and in days gone by my summer input may have been Special K or Nutrigrain or Rice Bubbles or Weeties, but Weet-Bix was the norm.

Whilst we still have a couple of boxes of Weet-Bix (and All-Bran) in the cupboard (with a best by date of many months in the future) I’ve recently switched to muesli. And not off-the-shelf muesli, but home mixed muesli.

Pages read March 2024

During the month of March I tracked the total number of pages I read. This was as a result of a video I saw by Parker Settecase on his youtube channel Park Notes.

The specific video was this one where he advocates logging ones reading on a daily basis. I came across the video in February so decided to commence in March.

So what was the answer? 512. Not much, but okay for someone who hasn’t felt like reading much since Christmas. Around a third of that reading is my daily Bible reading plan. Another third is a couple of Christian books I finished or started, and the final third comprises the rules or laws of Golf Croquet and Association Croquet1.

Croquet Mallets

I’ve recently begun playing croquet. This is the formal game on (fairly) smooth lawns with hoops that are only a few millimetres wider than the balls. Our family has had a cheap home croquet set for decades, but that game has thin wire hoops that can be tens of millimetres wider than the balls.

Anyway, I started at the beginning of October so it is five and a half elapsed months, but the lawns were closed for around five weeks over Christmas due to a broken watering system so my playing time is closer to four months.

Window Manager Shootout

I’ve been using Window Managers (WM) in Linux for around five years. I first wrote about them back in 2018, and mentioned them often subsequently.

In my mind WMs can be categorised into two broad camps, and further subdivisions can be applied. The two broad camps are stacking window managers (where windows for newly-opened apps appear over previous apps), and dynamic tiling window managers where new windows open adjacent to current windows on some predetermined basis.

Bible reading plan 2024

Most years I try something different with regard to my Bible reading plans and/or devotional reading. Late last year I came across a website that suggested reading the Old Testament in the order as it exists in the Hebrew Bible. The site provides reasons why this approach makes sense.

In essence the Hebrew Bible divides Scripture into three components: Law/Torah, Prophets, Writings.

Torah Prophets Writings
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
Genesis Judges Psalms
Exodus 1 Samuel Job
Leviticus 2 Samuel Proverbs
Numbers 1 Kings Ruth
Deuteronomy 2 Kings Song of Solomon
Joshua Isaiah Ecclesiastes
Jeremiah Lamentations
Ezekiel Esther
Hosea Daniel
Joel Ezra
Amos Nehemiah
Obadiah 1 Chronicles
Jonah 2 Chronicles

The above books contain 929 chapters. I’m currently reading at a pace of three chapters a day so this should take around 10 months to complete. I did start a week into the New Year, and there may be days I read less or nothing.